Antiyoy Progression (2025)

1. Beginner's guide | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

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  • This page describes the basics of how to play (and win in) Antiyoy and explains concepts which everyone should know. This page mainly focuses on completing Campaign. It will help you to play. In early game it is very important to focus on maximizing income by building Farms and capturing hexes. When there not a lot of neutral hexes, building Farms is better. Best positions are near water. At the start of the game the player should look: where they are (and how many Provinces they have), where th

Beginner's guide | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

2. Campaign (Android) - Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

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  • A series of increasingly more challenging levels created by Yiotro. The videos on how each level is completed don't show how to complete a level in the shortest turns possible. They show one way of completing a level. The human player is the light green Province. Campaign levels are randomly generated on each device with the same seed, which means that there can be differences between devices. Playlist of all completed Campaign levels. Win condition: Destroy all Provinces. Capture more than 70%

Campaign (Android) - Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

3. Antiyoy Wiki | Fandom

  • Welcome to the Antiyoy Wiki! Antiyoy is a mobile turn-based strategy game created by Yiotro. It is open source and also has an online version. This game is ...

  • Welcome to the Antiyoy Wiki!

Antiyoy Wiki | Fandom

4. Campaign (iOS) - Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

Campaign (iOS) - Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

5. Advanced tactics | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

  • This page is meant to describe advanced tactics for completing certain levels. Usually attacking the least defended hexes is best option.

  • This page is meant to describe advanced tactics for completing certain levels. Usually attacking the least defended hexes is best option. But sometimes you need to stop the strongest enemy from growing beyond control, so they don't overwhelm you. Usually this is done by blitzing them in order to cripple their economy. At the start of the game it is recommended to look for enemies with good economies, predict where they are expanding and when are they coming. Then prepare a strategy around that p

Advanced tactics | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

6. Settings | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

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  • Settings can be accessed by tapping the gear icon (top left) in the starting screen. Settings define how the game looks and plays. They also provide some useful information (see Settings - information). The settings menu provides the most basic settings of the game like: Sound - enable/disable in-game sounds. Music - enable/disable music. Autosave - automatically saves the game (enabled by default). The auto saved game can be accessed via the Load game, saved as "Autosave". Does only save the la

Settings | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

7. Antiyoy Review - Completely Free Mobile Strategy - Indie Hive

  • Jul 17, 2019 · Antiyoy is a mobile, hex, turn-based, strategy game inspired by Sean O'Connor's Slay. At a download size of only 7.1MBs, it's a game that excels ...

  • Indie Hive reviews Antiyoy, a free and open source turn-based strategy game for Android inspired by Slay that excels in simplicity without being too easy.

Antiyoy Review - Completely Free Mobile Strategy - Indie Hive

8. games

9. Moving provinces | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

  • "Moving a Province" is a term used to describe claiming neutral hexes with Peasants in a wanted direction without protecting the already captured hexes.

  • "Moving a Province" is a term used to describe claiming neutral hexes with Peasants in a wanted direction without protecting the already captured hexes. If a player has a disadvantaged position at the start of the game, they might want to "move" their Province. An unwanted position might be at the center of the map or in the middle of two enemies who have a good economy, so protecting that piece of land would be like swimming against the current. Problems: Late start for building Farms (i.e. bad

Moving provinces | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

10. Antiyoy best mobile ever! - Heroes Community

  • Sep 17, 2020 · Yes mobile game masterpiece! Description of Antiyoy Here is a short description of the app to let you know more about it : Turn-based strategy ...

  • Heroes Community - discussion forum for Heroes of Might and Magic 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 players featuring the latest Might and Magic Heroes VII news.

11. Economy | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

  • Coins are the main resource in Antiyoy. Each Province maintains its own economy (Coin balance - top left corner and Coin income per turn - top middle).

  • Coins are the main resource in Antiyoy. Each Province maintains its own economy (Coin balance - top left corner and Coin income per turn - top middle). Managing player's economy is one of the most important skills in the game. Without Coins nothing can get done around here, only trees grow. Coin balance is the total amount of Coins currently available to be spend this turn. Coin balance updates at the start of the player's turn based on the Province income and expenses i.e. Coins income. Coin in

Economy | Antiyoy Wiki - Fandom

12. Play Antiyoy Online on PC -

  • May 4, 2022 · Antiyoy Online is a turn-based hex strategy game where you dominate your opponents through wits and tactics. Click here to download for free ...

  • Antiyoy Online is a turn-based hex strategy game where you dominate your opponents through wits and tactics. Click here to download for free and play on PC.

Play Antiyoy Online on PC -

13. Top similar games like Antiyoy - SteamPeek

  • Dec 10, 2024 · BoC is a historical 4X strategy game. Play on diverse planets with climate simulation and non-linear progression over the last 60,000 years of ...

  • Check out games like Sid Meier's Civilization VII, Grey Eminence, Yellow & Yangtze, Anno 1602 - History Edition, Anno 1503 - History Edition, Anno 1701 - History Edition and more!

Top similar games like Antiyoy - SteamPeek

14. Here they are: Our 5 favourite apps of the week (Android/iOS) - nextpit

  • Jul 24, 2021 · Frequaw · BitCodept · Privacy Guard · Time Progress Bars · Antiyoy Online · The best VPN services compared and tested ...

  • Mobile games, To Do lists, note taking and WTF apps! Check out our top 5 free and paid Android and iOS apps of the week.

Here they are: Our 5 favourite apps of the week (Android/iOS) - nextpit

15. Antiyoy - TheAlmightyGuru

  • Nov 20, 2015 · You try to conquer all of the land in a randomly generated hex grid by building offensive units to invade and defensive units to protect.

Antiyoy Progression (2025)


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